Virtual Playing Orchestra is a free orchestral sample library, in sfz format, that attempts to emulate multiple articulations of the solo and section instruments from a full orchestra using the best free samples from Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra, No Budget Orchestra, VSCO2 Community Edition, University of Iowa, Philharmonia Orchestra and extra free samples from Mattias Westlund, author of Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra.
Video Demo of how to use the Performance Orchestra sfz file names contain the string “-PERF”. Key velocity (how fast you hit a key on your MIDI controller) selects the articulation (sustain, staccato etc) while still slightly affecting the volume. The Performance Orchestra uses the MOD wheel to control volume (some professional sample libraries work this way). Articulations (sustain, staccato etc) are placed in different tracks or are selected via key switches. The Standard Orchestra uses key velocity (how fast you hit a key on your MIDI controller) to control the volume. (still works with wave files version 3.1) Sfz scripts map the raw sounds from the wave files to MIDI notes and also shape and enhance the sounds. The Wave Files download contains the raw sound of each instrument. (works with sfz scripts version 3.1 -> 3.2.2) WHEN UNZIPPING THE FILES, IF YOU ARE ASKED IF YOU WANT TO OVERWRITE EXISTING FILES, SAY YES.
zip files into the same sub-directory, “Virtual-Playing-Orchestra3” for example). zip files need to be unzipped in the same place and in the same way (i.e. You need to download the “Wave Files” plus at least one of the “Standard Orchestra” sfz scripts or the “Performance Orchestra” sfz scripts (depending on how you want to control the sounds) then unzip each zip file in the same place and in the same way as you did with the wave files, or wherever your DAW (digital audio workstation) can find the files you unzip. The scripts configure the use of the wave files. Virtual Playing Orchestra consists of 2 parts: wave files and scripts.